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Wellness Programs and Retreats
Reconnect with your inner wild spirit with retreats and programs designed to invigorate and empower through movement, stillness and self reflection in nature with our herd of wild horses. Participants will enjoy activities like foraging for wild berries, various types of yoga, mindfulness and guided meditations, mustang training, equestrian activities and more.
Mustang Training Programs and Retreats
Experience first hand the magic of earning the trust of a wild horse, never before touched by humans. Create a heart centered, compassionate connection with one of the kind, gentle souls. Then your can choose to adopt your horse or continue on your journey.
Teen Programs
We have a variety of teen programs including intensive mustang training programs, equine facilitated wellness, yoga, mindfulness and more
Can't Wait to Get Started? Join our herd!
For just $50 per month, you'll not only support our sanctuary horses, you'll also get unlimited Wild Horse Hiking, Mindful Mornings, Hang with the Herd and other mindfulness activities in nature.

Best Value
Herd Member
Every month
Support our sanctuary residents and get early access to events plus unlimited hiking and mindfulness
Valid until canceled
Wild Horse Hiking
Mindful Mornings
Hang with the herd
Book Club
Equine Inspired Mindfulness