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Blossom joined the Wild Ride family in June 2023. She was previously an untouched wild mustang and we began gentling her with positive reinforcement to form a strong foundation of positive experiences around people. She was gentled by one of our teen training program graduates, Kendall, who worked with her on everything from first touches, to haltering, leading, picking up her feet, accepting fly spray and saddle pads, fly sheets and fly masks. They have accomplished a lot in a few short months! Soon Blossom will be ready for her new home where she will excel with either positive reinforcement or traditional pressure and release training. She's an excellent problem solver and has a very intuitive learning style (I often joke that she understands English!). She is the first horse to explore new territory and wander off in the woods on our paddock paradise track system. She enjoys zooming and jumping the obstacles in the paddock as well as navigating the rough terrain on the trails. She is also very laid back, and doesn't panic under pressure. She pauses and thinks things through. She's well on her way to being a super chill, spook-proof horse.


Blossom is usually the first horse to greet new guests in the paddock and is always happy to lead them on a hike at liberty. She has been a very reassuring presence among the more reactive horses in the herd. When scary things appear, they look to her to see that everything is okay. I often bring her into training sessions with my more reactive mustangs for this reason (even before she was gentled!). She's truly a one-in-a-million horse.


Fun fact: Blossom is a bit of a celebrity! If you search "Sand Wash Basin Blossom" in facebook, you will see documentation of her life in the wild from a very young age. Blossom is available for on farm adoption/sponsorship or reassignment through the BLM (approved facilities will be required).

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